笑うメディア クレイジー


1. 夜勤明け、私のベッドは占拠されていた by 妻

I found my husband in bed with another woman

2. ねえご主人、またあの本読んでよ

Rex didn't want to get out of bed this morning

3. ベッドから落ちたのも気づかず爆睡

Waiting for a bed time story

4. あと5分だけ…あと5分だけだから

Not Ready To Leave Bed

5. もうお布団なしじゃ寝られない体に(笑)

They sleep alike, and my cat has to be touching her

6. ご主人を待つも、5分で布団に沈む

How I get all dem bi*ches

7. 「さあ、寝よっk・・・」スタタタタッ

Time for bed!

8. ねんねんころりよ〜♪

Little boy puts dogs to sleep by reading them in bed 

9. もう絶対野生に帰れない

I'm feeling a little under the weather and have spent all day in bed. This has been my company 🙂

10. ご主人・・・一緒に寝よ?

Thought dog dump might cheer somebody up, so here's my dog



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