笑うメディア クレイジー

猫、ベビーシッター説 12選

1. 悩み相談はお手の物

The most interesting cat in the world

2. 瞬きもせず見張り中

We forgot to tell our cat that we had a baby

3. 一緒に反省しようね

My nephew was put into time out. The cat decided to join him.

4. 綺麗にしましょうね〜

5. 湯たんぽ係

I was worried that my cat would be jealous of the new baby...

6. 危ない場所にはついていく

Best friends

7. 赤ちゃんを笑顔にさせるのが得意

Kids and Cat

8. 寝てる最中も目を離さない

My wife checks the baby-cam and finds the baby taking a cat-nap.

9. 熱は…ないね!

My cat and his boy

10. 手の下からこっそり見てます

my friend's kid and cat. omg cute essplosion

11. 読み聞かせ相手

Book buddies program where kids read to cats to improve their reading skills and provide social interaction for the cats

12. ね〜んねんころ〜り〜よ

Babysitter cat best cat.


  1. ウーパー


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