笑うメディア クレイジー

人を魅了する「子犬ドミノ」 13選


1. だんだん大きくなる

PUPPY PYRAMID!! I'm fostering four rescue puppies and whenever they nap they ... stack

2. 美しい円の完成!

Synchronized sleeping

3. 途中で失敗したパターン

All the puppies!

4. 全部倒れたら絵になるドミノ

So many flavors, its like a banana split of puppies!

5. 1匹間違えて置いたの誰〜?

A corgi party and one of them accidentally clicked the SFV stream.

6. 重なり合う天使たち

A plethora of pooped puppies in a pile

7. 風圧で倒れていった

Tiny sleeping puppies.

8. 「ちゃんと並べって」

Please get in a single file line to get your treats...

9. 動くドミノって難易度高い

Puppy line up in the play area of the puppy house. Who can be sad in a house filled with puppies?

10. グワシっと抱きしめたい

Puppy conga line

11. 違う列のピース混じってるぞ!

♫"Too many puppies!"♫

12. 5時間やってるけど成功しない

My dog just had her first litter of puppies. She is not amused.

13. お願い成功して!

Cute Little Huskies..



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