笑うメディア クレイジー


1. 2匹とも一緒にふっくら!

This dog is available for adoption!<a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.thedodo.com/starving-dogs-make-incredible-transformations-1355018430.html?utm_c">https://www.thedodo.com/starving-dogs-make-incredible-transformations-1355018430.html?utm_c</a>

2. とっても嬉しそうな表情

As some of you may remember, Spokey made her way to the front page of reddit last year, the day she was adopted. I found Spokey at the Maryland SPCA. She had been transferred from West Virginia, was 20 pounds underweight, and had been immediately separated from her puppies. For the first few days, she was quiet and reserved, but over the past year, I&#039;ve learned so much about her.

3. 違うワンコみたい!

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4. 貫禄が出ました

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5. 最初はかなり警戒していました

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6. 毛並みが全然違います

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7. 凛々しい忠犬に

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8. 毎日楽しいのがよくわかります

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9. うなだれる暇はもうありません!

When I see my dog today, happy and playful, I remember how skinny, tired, and sick she was when we took her at the shelter, and I feel so good...

10. こんなに可愛いお目めだったとは

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11. 良い家族と出会えたんですね!

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