笑うメディア クレイジー


1. いつだって支え合ってきた

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2. 今でもドライブに行くのが楽しみ

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3. あの日と変わらぬ美しさ

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4. 今では二人とも老眼鏡

After 72 years of marriage, Norma and Gordon Yeager died in the hospital within one hour of each other. They died holding hands.

5. ちょっとお腹は大きくなったけど

This past weekend, my Mom and Dad celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They are the most faithfully devoted couple and still deeply in love. They are the spirit of finding your "One and Only."

6. 愛の秘訣は楽しむこと!

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7. 私以外で誰があたなの弱音を聞くの?

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8. あなたは私の誇りよ

Giuseppe and Livia Fortuna had a fairy tale romance, falling in love in Rome and getting married shortly before the end World War II.story here: http://www.listwns.com/giuseppe-livia-fortuna-428

9. お互い髪の毛は白くなったけど

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10. あの時と気持ちは変わらぬまま

Elderly couple recreates wedding photos for 70th wedding anniversary



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