笑うメディア クレイジー

見た目はワンコ、中身は人間 10選

1. 他のチャンネルに回そっかな

Sometimes it feels like my dog is more human then me.

2. 事情を聞こうじゃないか

I get worried how human-like my dog is at times

3. 趣味はドライブっす

My dog decided she was going to sit like a human on the back of the ute today.

4. 今日は大変だったね〜

I like you, human

5. 美味しいドッグフードを求めて

So you like dogs doing human things? I present my friend's dog (OC)

6. カップルかな

My GF apparently takes pics of me sleeping, and it turns out my dog is a human. He doesn't snuggle like this while I am conscious.

7. 犬がお話しちゃいけませんか?

Sometimes I swear my friend's dog is a human in dogs skin

8. お利口さんでえらいぞ〜

"Rise up, little human. I bestow upon you the title of Knight Protector of Dog Community."

9. ハイ、セルフィー

That sun can get a little toasty.

10. 極楽じゃ〜

Dog with his human servant

11. 飛ばそうぜブラザー


12. 回覧板で〜す

my dog ran away, after hours of looking I came home to this...

13. 進化を遂げました

meet my brothers dog...he thinks hes human.

14. 人生って悩みの連続よね

The most interesting dog in the world.

15. 店員さ・・・ん?

Our dog has recently discovered she can jump up onto our bar stools.

16. このお話聞き飽きたな〜

He has no idea he's actually a dog.



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