笑うメディア クレイジー

猫って「じいちゃんばあちゃん」が大好きだよね 14選


1. 最高の話し相手だもの

My 92 year old grandmother is under hospice care. Her best friend never leaves her side.

2. 元気出してよね

My Grandma is sick in a Rehab center... and my kitty is sick that my grandma is not home. I snuck Morris in to see her!

3. 優しいからだ〜いすき

'Why don't you just move the cat out of your chair?' 'Well I don't want her to hate me.'

4. お手伝いしてるの

My BIL's grandmother lifts her cat up to play with the ceiling fan strings because he can't quite reach from the chair

5. 最初は険悪だったんだけどね

My friends cat and her grandpa who looks like Spock

6. あったかいね〜

My grandma broke her hip. Her cat Vincent visits her everyday and always ends up in her arms!

7. 寝てばっかって言わないでよね

Grandpa and his little girl

8. 離れちゃイヤよ

This grandpa just turned 100 and his cat 17.

9. 孫たち遅いね〜

My grandma showing her cat how bad the weather is. (Sorry for the cell quality)

10. また爪切ってるの?

11. なでてなでて〜

12. もうちょっと右〜

I visited my grandpa in Arkansas, he spoils this cat!!!

13. 嬉しそうだからニャ〜も幸せ

Grandma and her kitten, now inseparable

14. ず〜っと一緒だよ


  1. プロゲートボーラー



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