笑うメディア クレイジー

すみません、わたし「猫の前足フェチ」なんです... 15選


1. 触りたい部位ナンバーワン

Have a cats paw. It's cute.

2. 至福とはこのこと

Cat paw dance

3. 犯人すぐわかっちゃうな

4. インスタ映え?

5. なにこの可愛い造形は

6. よ、よろしいんですか!?

7. 生まれ変わったらラグになりたい

I know you like cats, but do you like cat paws?

8. キュン死させる気か!

Since it's my cakeday I figured I'd post my cat holding my hand

9. う、うらやましい

One more belly rub may result in a hand attack, but for now, Simon the cat is giving out hugs and kisses!

10. まるで大福

Am i the only one around here who loves fluffy little cat feet

11. 食べちゃいたいな

12. ここが天国か

"Ok guys; lets give him a hand..."

13. こりゃまた上品な

Kitty came to hold my hand when I was stressed out

14. 最高の眺め

Cutest paws

15. 猫バンザ〜イ!

In honor of my cake day, here's my cat, Mr. Peanut. (You have to imagine him purring and his paws waving.)


  1. 趣味手裏剣集め



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