笑うメディア クレイジー

子育てに「疲労困憊」の猫ママ 13選


1. 暖かそう

The Most Amazing Cat Family I Ever Saw

2. 起きたら美味しいものあげるね

My friend has two litters of cats and both of the moms take care of all the kittens, regardless of who the real mom is.

3. この数のお世話は大変だ〜

Cat family

4. みんなそっくり

My cat and her five kittens

5. 相手して疲れちゃったね

Just your average cat family

6. 毎日ご苦労さん

My friend's cat recently had kittens, and the mother stopped taking care of them.We found the father like this today.

7. みんな一斉に来るから大変だ

Mother of cat

8. この体勢が丁度良いらしい

mother cat regrets

9. 母の試練体感なう

My cat likes to kick back and relax while feeding her hungry kittens.

10. 寝てるから飲んでおいて〜

True motherhood.

11. 子育ては二人三脚でね

Two mommy cats co-mothering the 8 babies they had at the same time together

12. 個性を尊重する教育方針

Family love how absolutely Perfect

13. 本当にお疲れさま

"This is my life now"



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