笑うメディア クレイジー

「犬界の下克上」を目撃した瞬間 12選


1. 無邪気なほうが勝つ

When you pack the car a little too tight coming home from the holidays...

2. せっかくそれぞれのサイズ感に合わせて買ったのに

We got a new dog...I think we all know who's the new boss...

3. 助けを求めてる?

Our new puppy is an asshole

4. 良い肘掛ゲット

The Most Interesting Dog In The World

5. ちっちゃい王様

My beagle meeting the new roommate's dog for the first time.

6. 上を取られてしまった

Our new dog likes to sit on our old one

7. アッシーに決定

Ever since my boss got a new puppy, the other two have been fighting to get attention.

8. 「お前は黙っとけ」

Jealous dog

9. 「さぁ、ゆけ」

Now you're under my control dog. The next target is people.

10. 文句は言えない

11. 人間にもマウント取ってくる

Here is a picture of a bald man with a puppy on his head

12. わかりやすすぎる上下関係



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