笑うメディア クレイジー

「犬の社交性は高い」とわかる画像 12選


1. 巣みたいな居心地の良さ

My dog found this lost Parakeet on the sidewalk. It's her pet until we find the owner.

2. 良き話し相手にもなる

My cat was at the vet all day. I think my dog missed him.

3. 引き寄せる何かがあるみたい

My friend's dog is a cow-magnet

4. 犬猿の仲なんて昔の話

Monkey and dog both sleepy

5. 体格差も関係ないみたい

Just my gf's hamster trying to escape while my dog sleeps

6. 兄弟みたいに仲良し

The dog is pregnant and the pig thinks he's the father.

7. 頭上を住みかにしております

Dog and Squirrel (x-post from /r/pics, link to full story in comments)

8. たぶん同じ種族だと思ってる

This is a Flemish Giant Hare. A rabbit the size of a dog. Can you imagine someone walking one of these with a leash?

9. 泳ぐ友達もいる

My Dog met a fish other day at the vet

10. 異種3兄弟

Here's a picture my neighbor took of an adorable fox welcomed into the family by a snuggly dog and kitten!

11. 心は通じ合ってるもんね

My dog and horse are best friends

12. 赤ちゃんもすぐになつく

Cutest Baby Dog Ever



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