笑うメディア クレイジー

犬と眠る人が幸せになれる証拠 14選


1. とにかく熟睡できる

My husband is going to kill me for posting this, but this is how him and our dog sleeps every night.

2. パートナーとの絆も深めてくれる

I've started letting m dog sleep on the bed. I think he likes it.

3. 人を眠らせる天才である

Sleep buddies

4. 赤ちゃんもぐっすり

Three dogs go to the bed and sleep with the baby harmoniously.

5. 掛け布団いらず

Sleeping with a bear

6. 心が満たされる

Caught my dad and my dog sleeping like this. Stayed this way for two hours.

7. 嫌なことも忘れちゃう

Butt to face 😉 Apparently this is how my brother and his dog sleep courtesy of his awesome wifey! Wonder if he has smelly dreams?!

8. 寂しさなんてどこへやら

How my dog keeps me in bed an extra ten minutes every morning

9. 無性の愛を感じられる

When Bea falls asleep on your arm...

10. 最高の光景で目覚める

Wake up call

11. 安心感がハンパじゃない

Napping with my girlfriend's foster dog

12. 質の高い昼寝で充電できる

Caught my gf sleeping with my best friend. Decided a picture was better than waking them up!

13. 余計なことを考えずに眠れる

Ezmerelda The Great (Service Dog in Training) taking nap on her handler on the couch.

14. 犬と眠ればみんな幸せ

I love Saturdays because I get to wake up next to my girls(dog and wife) and don't have to leave for work.



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