1. そっくりな大親友
2. 使い続けてボロボロに
In honor of my first cakeday, I present to you my dog cuddling with his favorite toy. 🙂
3. そんな顔滅多にしないじゃん
Happiest dog in the world: toy in his mouth, and getting pet by two people.
4. でっかいお友達
5. 散歩にも連れてくる
I want to be even just half as happy as this dog with her stuffed sloth
6. 弟分といつも一緒
7. 美味しいからおすそ分け
Friend gave her dog an empty peanut butter jar last night and he shared it with his stuffed puppy
8. 一緒だと熟睡できるみたい
9. 良き遊び相手
10. 大きくなってもこの子が友達
11. どっちがぬいぐるみでしょうか?
Blind dog copes with loss of friend with this stuffed animal
12. 順番で使いなさい
13. 「絶対捨てちゃダメだよ?」