笑うメディア クレイジー

犬がときどき理解を超えてくる 13選


1. 入れると思ったの?

This is how my dog says goodbye

2. お風呂断固拒否

You may have seen a better picture of a dog avoiding a bath today, but I doubt it.

3. それ食べられないよ

Funny Doggo Eat A Gay

4. オブジェかと思ったら

Picture of a dog I saw standing on a fire hydrant

5. 何かのサインかな?

I forgot how to dog

6. 植物になってた

And thus I begin my life anew as a flower

7. 何でそんなに嬉しそうなの?

Couldn't find my dog for 20 minutes, only to find her facing a wall, hoping I wouldn't notice...

8. た、助けようか?

Jean Claude Van Dog

9. 横着しすぎ!

Hilarious Things Only Dog Owners Will Understand! Look At These Photo For Hilarious Proof.

10. 幅とかいう概念はない

My Dog, Harry.

11. 取り方がわからないらしい

My friend's dog is adorably stupid

12. 為す術もない

My dog shredded the bottom of her bed, but still insists to use it...

13. それ君の身体だよ

My dog bella finally caught her tail!



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