笑うメディア クレイジー

犬が猫に歴史的勝利を納めた瞬間 13選


1. ご主人、今日は僕の日だよね

The cat and the dog

2. うぇ〜い

Dog vs cat ????????

3. キャラ被り

My cat doesn't seem too pleased with the new puppy addition to the family

4. やっと捕まえた

funny love story between cat and dog

5. やった!もう動かない

When my dog decided to sit on my cat

6. 特等席ゲット!

7. 愛嬌が全てよ

My cat cat disapproves of human/dog love... I didn't even know she could do that face...

8. ほら〜嬉しいでしょ

Got a new puppy. Somehow, I think the cat disapproves.

9. 視線を感じる…

Friend just got a German Shepard puppy. Asked how her cat is getting along with him, and was sent this pic.

10. 来れるもんなら来てみ

Puppy and cat stare down

11. このまま時間が止まればいいのに

New puppy for Christmas! Notice the cat throwing daggers in the background.

12. 面白さで圧勝

"I have taken the dog hostage!"

13. 家も奪ってやったぜ

Trying the cat's life.



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