笑うメディア クレイジー

思い通りに行かないのがネコの良さ 13選


1. すぐ姿を消す

Yeah, I have a cat, why do you ask?

2. なんでわざわざ上に

Why do cats always sit on paper?

3. 妙なものにハマる

Why aren't you guys using this as Cat Tax?

4. また座りづらいところに

My cat hasn't moved or looked away in an hour. Why.

5. 邪魔するの趣味?

MEATBALL! Meatball why do you hate me?

6. 無理やり狭いとこ入るよね

Not entirely sure why my cat enjoys laying like this

7. 人の物すぐ取るし

Bubby, why is that cat in my bed?

8. 上手く計算できないらしい

my cat, when she realizes she's stuck

9. 包装紙って良い匂いでもする?

Christmas Day

10. 物音への執着心よ

This is how my cat waits for my boyfriend to come home.

11. しっくりポイントが独特

That's it...I'm done..I am done buying things for my cat.

12. 脅かし上手

I moved today, my cat isn't taking it so well.

13. そっちいくとは

My cat being a jerk, then laughing at me.



※コメントは、コメントガイドライン をご覧のうえで投稿するようお願いします。
