笑うメディア クレイジー

タイミングが悪すぎて作画崩壊した犬 12選


1. えっ呼んだ?

I was brushing my dog and this was the face she gave me...

2. 虫がいたらしい

She watched the spider with this face for 15 minutes.

3. いつもはカワイイんだよ

My goober of a dog

4. 作画崩壊してる

Captured my leaping dog at moment of impact.

5. そんな顔して走ってたの

My friends derp

6. ごめんちょっと怖い

snapped a pic of our husky (lola) just as she sneezed. It's one of the most terrifying things I've seen.

7. 潰れてるよ

It was at this moment Hank regretted asking for a little brother.

8. 新種の海洋生物

Derp dog dives deep.

9. 歯鋭いこと忘れてたよ

Vicious corgi

10. 揺れるね〜

11. 砂の妖精現る

12. 楽しんでるのはわかった

derp dog taking a bath.



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