笑うメディア クレイジー

仲良しコンビの犬を見ると、こっちが嬉しくなる件 12選


1. 羨ましいほどラブラブ

These two dogs have a better love life than me

2. いかしたコンビだ

Saw this cute couple just hanging out

3. どっちか離して


4. 寝相まで伝染

2 dogs 1 couple

5. ぬいぐるみもセット

Couple of sweet boizz

6. 病院もふたりで乗り越えよう

My friend's dogs think they are going to the vet when in reality they are headed to the park.

7. 体格差は関係ない

The Odd Couple 🙂

8. 昼寝のタイミングも一緒

Just a couple of lazy dogs.

9. 合体してハートみたい

10. イタズラ仲間でもある

We got new neighbors. They have dogs

11. ドキッ!

After reading that dogs lick the mouths of whomever they feel is in charge, I just feel like this dog is thinking “I CAN’T HANDLE THIS MUCH RESPONSIBILITY.”

12. 邪魔してごめんよ

You can't run away from hug of love lovely dogs



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