笑うメディア クレイジー

明らかに不満そうな犬 12選


1. 何見てんだよ

Monday face

2. こいつ目立ちやがって

Dog is jealous of his brother's hovering ability

3. ここは譲らん!

The dog was jealous of the baby, so...

4. 猫の野郎め

when the dog is jealous

5. 行かないで!

My friends dog always look angry.

6. 入らなきゃダメですか?

Sad dog just wants a bath.

7. 子犬だからって舐めやがって

Our new puppy has angry eyebrows...

8. 餌ケチったな!?

don't make me angry

9. まだ帰らない

This picture truly expresses my dog's face of utter defeat and my dad's face of achievement as the dog chase came to an end

10. チッ捕まったか

My friends dog has mad "bitch face"

11. 3匹一緒は嫌です

Three different reactions to bath time

12. 病院とか行きたくね〜

I think my dog is just done with our trip



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