笑うメディア クレイジー

窓からイッヌ!!! 12選


1. 行ってらっしゃ〜い

Dog in window

2. 出かけてまだ1時間か

After being trapped in a basement for three years of his life, my rescue dog loves to just sit and stare out the window and watch the world go by.

3. ご主人まだかな

Some husky dog leaning out of a 2nd story window in Seattle

4. 気をつけてね

My dog also runs to the window to say goodbye!

5. やっと帰ってきたわ

Window dog is watching

6. 待ちきれなかった…

My dog likes to sneak on to the roof when my window is open

7. 見られた

my dog intends to pursue a career in window cleaning...

8. 時間把握済み

Dog In A Window

9. 見つけた!

When nothing stops your guard dog, not even window treatments.

10. 無事行ったかな〜

This is my aunt's dog , she stands guard at the window

11. 専用席です

How my dog always sits by the window.

12. 待ちくたびれたよ!

This is my dog everyday after school



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