笑うメディア クレイジー

犬がいるとリモートワークがはかどらない証拠 13選


1. 見つめないで…!

No More Work Mom...Play Time...please?

2. そろそろ止めろって?

Isn't she the cutest puppy ever?

3. 誘惑に勝てない

Homework is hard, when you're dog sitting.

4. 反則です!

5. ズル休みしたら見られてた

When I try to watch Netflix without walking my dog first.

6. 一時中断だな

Small pupy pee on the laptop

7. 圧が凄い

I present to you lovely imgurians, my derpy ewok of a dog!

8. ご、5分待ってくれ!

He thinks I need to take a break from studying.

9. 集中できないわ

I told my dog he needed to go outside, and he proceeded to climb on the couch and act like he was sleeping.

10. 起こすの可哀想になってきた

Bella, the dog at my work, said I wasn't using my laptop any more.

11. 癒しの永続チャージ

I brought my dog Cupcake to work with me once (my office allows dogs). She whined the whole day except when sitting in my lap. Very little work got done.

12. わかったから止めて

Stop ignoring me for work.

13. 可愛さ攻撃

Relentless attention seeker..



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