笑うメディア クレイジー

犬との浮気現場 13選


1. ラブラブがすぎる

My girlfriend has the happiest dog I've ever seen

2. 私専用の腕枕が…

Alice is my personal dog I adopted after moving in with my boyfriend. She comes to family gatherings with us though. She is spoiled by them all. Have a picture of her laying on the floor with my brother.

3. 彼女の隣は空いてませんよ

4. キスは僕のもの〜

I think my dog likes my girlfriend.

5. 旅先でも独占

My dog loves hiking, but he has hip problems and sometimes this is how we finish hikes.

6. こっち見てよ

7. 勝者の表情だな

8. 譲らないよ

My girlfriend fell asleep with my dog and he gave me this look after I kissed her on the cheek.

9. 邪魔してごめん

Sometimes my girlfriend gets attacked by a vicious wolf.

10. つけ入る隙なし

My boyfriend rescues Great Pyrenees dogs (BEARS!). She'd probably crush me if she sat on me, but she makes a nice cuddle buddy.

11. 独占したがり

I told the dog to get in the bed. Apparently he has a new pillow shaped just like my boyfriend!

12. ダンスタイム

My sisters 150lb dog. Boyfriend for scale.

13. 完全に奪われたわ

Spoiled boxer dog, thinks he is human



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