笑うメディア クレイジー

お出かけ中に電池が切れた犬 12選


1. 帰る気力ゼロ

Go shopping with your dog they said, It'll be fun they said.

2. ご主人買い物なげ〜

Dog sleeping in a window display in turkey. Store workers let him stay the whole time because it was so cold outside.

3. 疲れてしまいましてん

A really sleepy puppy... (Found on Twitter)

4. 急に眠気が…

Our puppy Beowulf got tired of waiting at the vet and fell asleep on the counter

5. もう歩けましぇん

6. 帰りたくないのかな

7. 行きは良い良い帰りは爆睡

8. お日様気持ち良いもんね

Grandpa swears he didn't fall asleep.

9. よほど楽しかったんだ

Dog park experience exceeds expectations...

10. 限界突破

11. 一緒に寝落ち

After my big bike ride this morning, I came home and fell asleep on my front path to catch the last bit of sun of the morning. My wife sent me this picture of what I was using as a pillow.

12. ベッドじゃないよ



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