笑うメディア クレイジー

犬と子供はほぼ同じ生き物である 12選


1. ダブルベッドだ

2. 何話してるんだか

3. ふたりの暴れん坊

4. ダンスパーティー

Kids learn why dogs are man's best friend

5. 少々お待ちくださいね

why dogs are CHilds's best friend Show in Image

6. 以心伝心

Kids learn why dogs are man's best friend

7. バレちゃった

I wonder what the right puppy food is for this little guy.....

8. 1人用だけどまぁいっか

9. イッヌが3匹

I said "lay down" and they all listened

10. ハムッ

iNNoCenT pUpPy eaTen AliVe bY BloOdThirSty DwaRf

11. 交代制

First ever post for a long time Imgur lurker...figured my kid and a cute puppy might (hopefully) do well.

12. 双子かな

There's a reason they say owning a dog preps you for having kids.



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