笑うメディア クレイジー

おフロ大好き「極楽犬」 12選


1. お風呂って楽しいね!

Happy Puppy Taking a Bath

2. お湯はよ

Now there are two dogs who have zero clue as to what is bath time.

3. これ大好き

Baths make my dog happy.

4. 風呂タイムじゃ〜!

PsBattle: Dog goes crazy for bath

5. お待ちしておりました

why have a dog bed when you have a bath tub

6. まだ出ない〜

Bath time!

7. アハハハ!


8. 昇天

Puppy enjoying a warm bath

9. みんなで入ると楽しいね

Husky puppies taking a bath

10. 極楽じゃ〜

He fell asleep while taking a bath

11. 一緒だとなお良し

Bath buddies

12. 準備万端です!

So my wife sings the same song for our daughter's bath time as we used to sing for our dog's showers. This is what happens every time.



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