笑うメディア クレイジー

「犬、お前…カーペットだったのか」 12選


1. 一体化してる

Friend of mine got a new dog - looks like she's fitting right in.

2. 3度見したわ


3. アハ体験

4. 溶けたかと

day 100: humans still think im a rug

5. 見つけられるかな?

My wife and I were quite happy about our new rug purchase. Sadly, though, our dog ran away the same day.

6. こりゃまた上品な

Do your dogs sleep like this?

7. ラグから生まれました

Osito blends in.

8. 完全一致

Our brindle dog matched our brindle rug pretty well

9. 素材が一緒

We got a new puppy. She matches the carpet perfectly.

10. 吸収されていく〜

11. 触り心地ハンパなさそう

HElpLesS dOg fUcKiNg FoRcEd tO bEcOmE A cArPeT.

12. 先祖はカーペット

My dog thinks he is rug...



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