笑うメディア クレイジー

犬、寝てるだけで面白いという奇跡 13選


1. 人形かと思った

Tucker is tuckered out.

2. 途中で寝落ちした模様

My friend's dog fell asleep like this.

3. 一石二鳥ってか

This dog did more in this gif than I've done all day [Fixed]

4. いつもの威厳はどこへ

Are we there yet

5. 金曜の夜ってこういう人多いよね

6. 椅子に熱烈キッス

My friend's dog fell asleep like this.

7. 寝たら溶けた

My dog, tired of begging, slept off .. 🙂

8. 気持ち良いんだろうか

My dog fell asleep in a weird position

9. 劇的な寝相

He's dead asleep. Anyone else's dog do this or is he just weird?

10. 落ちる5秒前

Just my friend's dog sleeping 🙂

11. 柵の使い方間違ってるよ

My puppy found a comfortable way to sleep.

12. 全部がギュッとなってる

Bae caught me slippin

13. 良い寝床を見つけたらしい

my puppy likes to sleep in odd places



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