笑うメディア クレイジー


1. ぎゅ~

Our dog has really taken a liking to our new cat. Kitty's still getting used to it.

2. なすがまま

Pls help

3. ネコ「邪魔である」

"That's close enough, lesser creature."

4. 秘技・ご主人による緊急脱出

Cat gets out, first challenge: catching the cat. second: getting cat past our dog who is sure this is a game.

5. 好奇心の犠牲

Fuck you cat

6. 犬「あれ?あいつどこいった?」

Every night after dinner, the cat wants snuggles and the dog wants to see if there are left overs.

7. その日、ネコ科は思い出した。やつらの鼻がききすぎることを。

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8. 数日会えなかった時の反動

Caaaaaaaaat! Cat! Cat! Cat!

9. 一日一回のキス。愛が重い。

They didn't win the employee pet photo contest at work, but I know reddit will appreciate them

10. 犬「追いかけてきちゃった(・ω<)」

my dog saw a cat in a drive thru, they were both equally confused

11. 結局互いに大好きなんだけどね

My dog is sick and the cat is trying SO hard to cheer him up! Send us warm fuzzies!



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